Our Services

Thesis Writing or Dissertation Writing

Thesis writing is a daunting task; we agree. That is why we have a team of doctorate holders to execute this task for you. Our thesis writing / dissertation writing services are done by qualified resources from respective disciplines. We focus on multiple domains including Engineering, Management, Literature, with life sciences being our main niche. Our expert writers focus on delivering value in every page they produce, making your dissertation structure, and content a class apart.

Article or Paper Writing

From ideation to the realization of your comprehensive, thoroughly researched and experiment backed research papers to your college project paper submissions, we have got you covered. We provide research paper writing services across all domains extending from life sciences to various other engineering streams.

Our services are modified according to your requests and requirements. We customize our service to your needs.

Plagiarism Check and Reduction

How important is it to do a plagiarism check?

Any academic content which is written, needs to be evaluated and published. It has to be original representation of their work and effort. Plagiarized content is said to breach the guidelines of the university or any institution and is punishable at its own degree.

Why not free plagiarism tools?

Free plagiarism tools are not accurate and a reliable quality check. It only checks our paper against websites and not against books, journals, and previously submitted paper works of other students.

Our focus towards Plagiarism:

We use industry-grade software to check for plagiarism in our work. Our writing services are verified and optimized multiple times to provide you with authentic and unique content.

We also extend our services to reduce plagiarism in pre-written research papers by optimizing and reconstructing the content.

Wet Lab Implementations – Internships, Projects

We provide wet lab services to perform all kinds of experiments ranging from biochemistry project implementations to microbiology research ideas. Our wet-lab services can be used for performing analytical procedures of your projects to analyze, identify, and quantify the results of a hypothesis.

At our state-of-the-art wet labs, we give interns access to carefully implement and execute research concepts and arrive at concrete results formulated into extensive reports and thesis papers.

Project Proposals

We understand the pain in getting financial approval for a proposed project. We do all kinds of proposals for projects from various engineering and arts streams. We provide a detailed outline of the proposed project, along with convincing information about the project's goals and outcomes. Be it a biotechnology project or an Engineering project proposal, we make sure to go over the top in providing a plan in the most persuasive and concise format possible.

Who has time for essays and write-ups? Let us do it for you.